When you first purchase your vehicle, you’re extremely conscious of how close you park to others, and every tiny knick in your paint job. As time goes on, you’re less likely to notice the small dings that appear on your car, but that’s not something to be taken lightly. There’s a number of reason to pay close attention to all minor and major things that affect your vehicle, but our main focus is rust.
A minor scratch can chip away and expose larger portions of metal that will oxidize when exposed to moisture. This often sneaks up on a vehicle owner, and before you know it your vehicle has depreciated at twice the normal rate due to a few unsupervised scratches. Our Minnesota winters are certainly not any help, the heavy wet snow can allow moisture to freeze against the paint metal causing the vehicle to rust faster. We heavily rely on salt to help avoid accidents, but can expedite the rust on your vehicle. Regular car washes can help reduce your chances of rust, especially during the winter months. The snow, ice, and constant fluctuation in temperatures will cause the moisture to continually expand and contract against your paint creating larger wedges between the metal and paint on your car.
Light scratches that only touch the surface can be buffed out and dealt with easily. In some cases, you can purchase touch up paint at your local auto parts store or dealership, but this quick repair is not always advised. You’ll need to take into account the year of your vehicle and if a repair is worth the cost for you. In most older vehicles, the first places you’ll see rust are the wheel wells, fenders, and rocker panels. In some cases, when the paint is removed there is additional rust found underneath, the moisture has seeped in between the paint and metal and began eating away at the foundation of your vehicle. This occurs when the clear coat sealant in your paint has begun to fade or chip away due to wear, and can be unavoidable in older models of cars.
Rust is something that more often than not, cannot be repaired. It will generally require the technician to completely replace the portion of your vehicle that has been affected. If the affected area is a quarter panel or a frame piece you’re facing a hefty repair bill, if it’s even repairable at all. The best way to avoid rust, is to pay close attention to all bare metal on your vehicle. Regularly check your car for new scratches or dings. If you notice a scratch in your vehicle that is down to the metal, bring your vehicle in today for an estimate on what can be done. A paint job can add up, but it’ll keep your vehicle rust free, and will cost less in the long run!
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