It’s always best to bring your vehicle in to a professional. Best case scenario, the engine light is on due to a loose gas cap or something easily fixed on your own. If the engine light comes on and you haven’t noticed any extensive differences in how your car drives, you don’t need to seek immediate service. Ignoring the problem can further the issue and create a bigger backlash in the long run, so it’s best to get in to have the vehicle looked at upon your earliest convenience.
You likely don’t need to worry if your car is:
- Behaving normally
- Getting the same gas mileage
- No smoking, no strange smells and no noises
There could be a more serious problem if:
- You see smoke
- Experience a huge decline in gas mileage
- Strange smells or noises coming from the engine
- There’s a major loss of power
Regardless of how the vehicle is doing, if the sensor has been triggered and you’re unsure at all of why, bringing your car in can give you peace of mind and ensure your safety.